Press Release

The Department of Human Rights and Civil Society Organization of the Presidential Republic Office monitors more than 24 thousand violations committed by the terrorist Iranian-backed Houthi militia. Human Rights Reports: Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Truce ( Web)

The Government of Yemen holds the Southern Transitional Council responsible for the armed escalation in the interim capital of Aden

The Government of Yemen holds the Southern Transitional Council responsible for the armed escalation in the interim capital of Aden, and for its serious consequences that threaten the security and safety of citizens and security and stability in general. In its statement, the government reiterated its rejection of the irresponsible actions of the Southern Transitional…

Statement by the Spokesperson on the escalation in Aden, Yemen

Bruxelles, 08/08/2019 Statements by the Spokesperson Violence in Aden has been escalating since the brutal attacks perpetrated last week, with reports of incitement to violence against Yemeni institutions and accounts of retaliatory attacks. The Yemeni population has already suffered too much. The European Union reaffirms its commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity…

Yemeni Foreign Minister : Stockholm agreement not includes unilateral withdrawal

  Yemeni Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Yamany said to «  Asharq Al-Awsat » that the tripartite mechanism of the Redeployment Coordination Committee in Al-Hodeida means that all parties (the Yemeni Government, the United Nations and Houthis) must verify this withdrawal. Neither in the Stockholm Agreement nor in international law is mentioned a unilateral withdrawal from Hodeida.…